
  • Modern problems of mathematics and its applications, III
    Vol. 20 No. 1 (2023)

    The collection of works contains lectures by Grave's readings and works of advanced trends in the development of modern mathematics in Ukraine, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Professor Dmytro Oleksandrovych Grave. For researchers, university professors, docrotants and graduate students.

  • Комплексний аналiз та його застосування
    Vol. 19 No. 1 (2022)

    Комплексний аналiз та його застосування
    Вiдп. ред. С. А. Плакса, I. В. Денега.
    Зб. праць Iн-ту математики НАН України. Т. 19, № 1.
    Київ: Iн-т математики НАН України, 2022. – 258 с.
    ISSN 1815–2910
    Збiрник мiстить роботи, що стосуються сучасних питань комплексного аналiзу та його застосувань. Значна увага придiлена застосуванню
    аналiтичних методiв дослiдження до розв’язання ряду задач геометричної теорiї функцiй, теорiї квазiконформних вiдображень та їх узагальнень, гiперкомплексного аналiзу, математичної фiзики. Збiрник присвя-
    чений пам’ятi професора Олександра Бахтiна (1948–2021). Призначений для наукових спiвробiтникiв, викладачiв, аспiрантiв та студентiв старших курсiв вузiв.

  • Modern problems of mathematics and its applications, I
    Vol. 17 No. 2 (2020)

    The Proceedings devoted to the main acquisitions of scientists of the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine in current areas of develop\-ment of modern mathematics and its applications. For researchers, teachers of higher education institutions, doctoral and graduate students.

  • Фрактальний аналіз та суміжні питання
    Vol. 16 No. 3 (2019)

    УДК 511.72, 517.51, 519.21

    Фрактальний аналіз та суміжні питання

    Відп. ред. М. В. Працьовитий // Зб. праць Ін-ту математики НАН України. - 2019.  - Т. 16, № 3. - Київ: Ін-т математики НАН~України, 2019. - 230 с.

    Збірник містить статті, присвячені актуальним питанням фрактального аналізу множин, функцій, мір, розподілів імовірностей, перетворень простору, які зберігають метричні характеристики борелівських множин тощо, і пов’язані з різними системами кодування дійсних чисел. Більшість розглянутих об’єктів мають іррегулярну локальну структуру й автомодельні властивості. У дослідженнях використовуються засоби теорії фракталів, математичного аналізу, топології, метричної та ймовірнісної теорії чисел.

    Для наукових співробітників, молодих науковців, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, докторантів і аспірантів.

  • Mathematical problems of mechanics and computational mathematics
    Vol. 16 No. 2 (2019)

    The book presents a collection of research papers dedicated to actual problems of the dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies with cavities partially filled by a liquid, the vibration theory, computational mathematics, the theory of stability and stabilization of dynamical systems and some related problems.

    It is intended for scientists interesting in mathematical problems of mechanics, stability and control theory of dynamical systems.

  • Symmetry and Integrability of Equations of Mathematical Physics
    Vol. 16 No. 1 (2019)

    Papers on modern problems of group analysis of differential equations, integrable systems, and on algebraic methods in mathematical physics are presented in the volume.

    The volume is intended for scientists and post-graduate students interested in applications of Lie groups and Lie algebras to the theory of differential equations and to mathematical physics.

  • Mathematical problems of mechanics and computational mathematics
    Vol. 15 No. 1 (2018)

    The book presents a collection of research papers dedicated to actual prob- lems of the dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies with cavities partially filled by a liquid, the vibration theory, computational mathematics, the theory of stability and stabilization of dynamical systems, and some related problems.

    It is intended for scientists interesting in mathematical problems of mechani- cs, stability and control theory of dynamical systems.

  • Фрактальний аналіз та суміжні питання
    Vol. 14 No. 4 (2017)

    УДК 511.72, 517.51, 519.21

    Фрактальний аналiз та сумiжнi питання /

    Вiдп. ред.: М. В. Працьовитий // Зб. праць Iн-ту математики

    НАН України. — 2017. — Т. 14, № 4. — Київ: Iн-т математики

    НАН України, 2017. — 226 с.

    Збiрник мiстить статтi, присвяченi актуальним питанням
    фрактального аналiзу множин, функцiй, мiр, розподiлiв iмовiрностей, перетворень простору, якi зберiгають метричнi характеристики борелiвських множин тощо, якi пов’язанi з рiзними системами кодування дiйсних чисел. Бiльшiсть розглянутих об’єктiв мають iррегулярну локальну структуру й автомодельнi властивостi. У дослiдженнях використовуються засоби
    теорiї фракталiв, математичного аналiзу, топологiї, метричної
    та ймовiрнiсної теорiї чисел.
    Для наукових спiвробiтникiв, молодих науковцiв, викладачiв вищих навчальних закладiв, докторантiв i аспiрантiв

  • Differential equations and related problems of analysis
    Vol. 14 No. 3 (2017)

    UDC 517.91, 517.95

    Differential equations and related problems of analysis /

    Managing editor: V. A. Mikhailets // Transactions of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine. – 2017. – V. 14, No. 3. – Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2017. – 364 p.

    The issue contains research papers which are dedicated to important problems of theory of ordinary differential equations and theory of partial differential equations, and also related problems of analysis. Considerable attention is paid to the application of modern methods of mathematical analysis to the study of the problems considered.

  • Mathematic problems of mechanics and computational mathematics
    Vol. 14 No. 2 (2017)

    UDC 517; 531; 534
    Mathematical problems of mechanics and computational mathematics / Vdp. Ed. I.O. Lukovsky, V.L. Makarov // Sb. Works of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. T. 14, No. 2. Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2017. 220 p.

    The book presents a collection of research papers dedicated to actual problems of the dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies with cavities partially filled with a liquid, vibrational theory, computational mathematics, stability theory, control theory and some related problems. It is intended for scientists interesting in mathematical problems of mechanics, stability and control theory of dynamical systems.

    Reviewers: Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine AG Nikitin
                         Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine O.M. Chimich
    Approved for publication by the Academic Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
    Minutes No. 9 dated October 31, 2017
    Certificate of state registration - Seri KV # 8459, issued
    February 19, 2004

  • Vol. 14 No. 1 (2017): Analysis and Applications
    Vol. 14 No. 1 (2017)

    O. К. Bakhtin, S. V. Gryshchuk (Eds.)  // Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Vol. 14, No. 1.—  Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2017.— 285с.

    This collections of papers is devoted to actual problems of analysis and its applications  in Theory of multivalued mappings, mathematical physics and applied sciences. It can be  interested for scientists, tutors and post graduate students

  • Mathematical problems of mechanics and computational mathematics
    Vol. 13 No. 3 (2016)

    UDC 517; 531; 534;

    Mathematical problems of mechanics and computational mathematics / Back Ed. I. O. Lukovsky, V.L.Makarov // Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. T. 13, No. 3.- Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2016.- 374 p.

       The book presents a collection of research papers dedicated to actual problems the of dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies with cavities, partially filled by a liquid, the vibration theory, computational mathematics, the theory of stability and stabilization of dynamical systems, and some related problems.

       Publishing group of the collection: academician of NAS of Ukraine I.O. Lukovsky (ed.), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.L. Makarov (ed.), Doctor of phys.-math. Sciences O.G. Masko, Ph.D. O.M. Sciences Timoha, Ph.D. Sciences D.O. Sitnik (vice versa), Ph.D. Sciences VB Vasilik

    Reviewers:   Corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine O.A. Boychuk
                            Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine O.M. Chimich

    Approved for publication by the Academic Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, No. 11 dated 29.11.2016

    Certificate of state registration - Seri KV # 8459, issued on February 19, 2004

  • Differential equations and related problems of analysis
    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2016)

    UDC 517.91, 517.95

    Differential equations and related problems of analysis /

    Managing editor: V. A. Mikhailets // Transactions of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine. – 2016. – V. 13, No. 2. – Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2016. – 304 p.

    The issue contains research papers which are dedicated to important problems of theory of ordinary differential equations and theory of partial differential equations, and also related problems of analysis. Considerable attention is paid to the application of modern methods of mathematical analysis to the study of the problems considered.

  • Differential equations and related problems of analysis
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2016)

    UDC 517.91, 517.95

    Differential equations and related problems of analysis /

    Managing editor: V. A. Mikhailets // Transactions of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine. – 2016. – V. 13, No. 1. – Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2016. – 324 p.

    The issue contains research papers which are dedicated to important problems of theory of ordinary differential equations and theory of partial differential equations. Considerable attention is paid to the application of modern methods of mathematical analysis to the study of the problems considered.

  • Topology of maps on low-dimensional manifolds
    Vol. 12 No. 6 (2015)

    УДК 539.12 + 515.146.3 + 515.162.2 + 517.57 + 517.27
    Топологiя вiдображень маловимiрних многовидiв / Вiдп.ред. С. I. Максименко // Зб. Iн-ту математики НАН України, 2015. — Т. 12, No 6. — 224 с.
    ISSN 1815–2910

    В збiрнику представлено новi результати про топологiчнi властивостi функцiй, векторних полiв та вiдображень, визначених на многовидах малих розмiрностей. Вони доповiдались на семiнарi вiддiлу топологiї Iнституту математики НАН України та на мiжнародних конференцiях. Для спецiалiстiв, що працюють в галузi топологiї та теорiї функцiй, а також для студентiв та аспiрантiв.

  • Mathematical problems of mechanics and computational mathematics
    Vol. 12 No. 5 (2015)

    The book presents a collection of research papers dedicated to the actual
    problems of the dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies with cavities partially
    filled by a liquid, vibration theory, computational mathematics, the theory of
    stability and stabilization of dynamical systems, and some related problems.
    It is intended for scientists interesting in mathematical problems of mechani-
    cs, stability and control theory of dynamical systems.

  • Approximation Theory of Functions and Related Problems
    Vol. 12 No. 4 (2015)

    Collection of works of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine.
    Vol. 12, No. 4: Approximation Theory of Functions and Related Problems / Responsible Editor: A.S. Romanyuk. — Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2015. — 329 p.

    The articles, which reprezents the results of the function theory, the  functional analysis and related issues, are published in the Proceedings.

    The article are focused on the auditory specialized in the mathematical analysis, applied mathematics, and on the students of relevant specialties.

  • Analysis and Applications
    Vol. 12 No. 3 (2015)

    Yu. B. Zelinskii, S. V. Gryshchuk (Eds.)  // Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Vol. 12, No. 3.—  Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2015.— 268p.

    This collections of papers is devoted to actual problems of analysis and its applications in algebra, geometry, mathematical physics and applied sciences. The volume is interested for scientists, tutors and post-graduate

  • Differential equations and related problems of analysis
    Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015)

    UDC 517.91, 517.95

    Differential equations and related problems of analysis /

    Managing editor: V. A. Mikhailets // Transactions of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine. – 2015. – V. 12, No. 2. – Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2015. – 376 p.

    The issue contains research papers which are dedicated to important problems of theory of ordinary differential equations and theory of partial differential equations. Considerable attention is paid to the application of modern methods of mathematical analysis to the study of the problems considered.

  • Spectral theory of operators and of collections of operators
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2015)

    This issue contains a collection of papers on spectral properties of operators and collections of operators and related topics of representation theory in linear and Hilbert spaces. Research tools include methods of analysis. operator theory and modern algebra.

    For researchers and students in the corresponding area.

  • Approximation Theory of Functions and Related Problems
    Vol. 11 No. 3 (2014)

    UDC 517.5; 517.51; 517.53; 517.547.3; 517.983; 519.652

    Collection of works of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine.
    Vol. 11, No. 3: Approximation Theory of Functions and Related Problems / Responsible Editor: A.S. Romanyuk. — Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2014. — 344 p.

    This issue contains a collection of papers contains articles, in which results on the theory of functions, functional analysis and related problems are presented. The book is intended for specialists in mathematical analysis, applied mathematics, PhD students and students of appropriate specialties.


  • Brasilian-Polish Topology Workshop
    Vol. 10 No. 6 (2013)

    Бразильсько-польський симпозіум з топології /

    Editorial Board: A. K. M. Libardi, M. Golasiński, V. V. Sharko, S. Spiejz // Proceedings of Intsitute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine. — 2013. — Vol. 6, no 6: — Kyiv:Intsitute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine, 2013. — P.  238. 

    Proceedings contain papers related to modern issues of homotopical topology. Considerable attention is paid to the application of analytical methods of research to the solution of some problems of homotopical topology.

    It is intended for scientific collaborators, teachers, post-graduate students and senior students of universities.

  • Approximation Theory of Functions and Related Problems
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2013)

    UDC 517.5

    Collection of works of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine.
    Vol. 10, No. 1: Approximation Theory of Functions and Related Problems / Responsible Editor: A.S. Romanyuk. — Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2013. — 341 p.

    This issue contains a collection of papers contains articles, in which results on the theory of functions, functional analysis and related problems are presented. The book is intended for specialists in mathematical analysis, applied mathematics, PhD students and students of appropriate specialties.

  • Симетрія і інтегровність рівнянь математичної фізики

    Symmetry and Integrability of Equations of Mathematical Physics (Dedicated to the 70-th Anniversary of Professor W.I. Fushchych)
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2006)

    This collection of papers is devoted to the 70-th birthday anniversary of Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine Wilhelm Fushchych (1936-1997) who was a famous Ukrainian scientist in the field of group-theoretical methods in mathematical physics.
    Papers on modern problems of group and symmetry analysis of differential equations and on algebraic methods in mathematical physics are presented in the volume. The book contains also memoirs of students and colleagues of W.I. Fushchych.

    The volume is intended for scientists and post-graduate students interested in applications of Lie groups and algebras in the theory of differential equations and mathematical physics.