Vol. 14 No. 2 (2017): Mathematic problems of mechanics and computational mathematics

UDC 517; 531; 534
Mathematical problems of mechanics and computational mathematics / Vdp. Ed. I.O. Lukovsky, V.L. Makarov // Sb. Works of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. T. 14, No. 2. Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 2017. 220 p.

The book presents a collection of research papers dedicated to actual problems of the dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies with cavities partially filled with a liquid, vibrational theory, computational mathematics, stability theory, control theory and some related problems. It is intended for scientists interesting in mathematical problems of mechanics, stability and control theory of dynamical systems.

Reviewers: Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine AG Nikitin
                     Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine O.M. Chimich
Approved for publication by the Academic Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Minutes No. 9 dated October 31, 2017
Certificate of state registration - Seri KV # 8459, issued
February 19, 2004

Published: 2017-12-10

Research papers