A cubic spline of tri-monotone approximation


  • G. A. Dzyubenko Metropolsky International Mathematical Center, NAS of Ukraine


For any 3-monotone on $[????,????]$ function $????$ (its third divided differences are nonnegative for all choices of four distinct points, or equivalently, $????$ has a convex derivative on $(????,????)$) we construct a cubic 3-monotone (like $????$) spline $????$ with $???? \in N$ ”almost” equidistant knots $????_????$ such that
${‖???? - ????‖}_{[????_????, ????_{????-1}]} ≤ ???? ω_4 (????, (???? - ????) / ????, [????_{????+4}, ????_{????-5}] \cap [????, ????]), ???? = 1,...,????,$
where $????$ is an absolute constant, $????_4 (????,????,[\cdot,\cdot])$ is the 4-th modulus of smoothness of $????$, and ${|| \cdot ||}_{[\cdot, \cdot]}$ is the max-norm.



How to Cite

Dzyubenko, G. A. (2017). A cubic spline of tri-monotone approximation. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 13(3), 85–98. Retrieved from https://trim.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/trim/article/view/34