Topological equivalence of pseudo-harmonic functions of general position in the plane


  • V. V. Sharko Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine
  • Ye. O. Polulyakh Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine
  • Yu. Yu. Soroka Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine


Topological classification of functions in the plane is considered. Using a generalization of the Cronrod-Reeb graph we give necessary and sufficient conditions when two pseudo-harmonic functions which have finite number of singular points and comply with an additional condition are topologically equivalent.



How to Cite

Sharko, V. V., Polulyakh, Y. O., & Soroka, Y. Y. (2015). Topological equivalence of pseudo-harmonic functions of general position in the plane. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 12(6), 7–47. Retrieved from