A nonuniform Sinc approximation


  • D. O. Sytnik Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine


The paper proposes an interpolatory–type approximation method based on the use of Sinc basis and arbitrary irregular grid. We obtained admissibility conditions for the nodes of irregular grid and proved an apriori error estimate of the method which depends on the relative position of irregular grid and the nodes of uniform grid associated with classical Sinc–interpolant. We further study an error of the approximation provided by a given irregular grid lying in the neighobourhood of the classical uniform grid.



How to Cite

Sytnik, D. O. (2017). A nonuniform Sinc approximation. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 13(3), 230–242. Retrieved from https://trim.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/trim/article/view/56