Статистична механіка систем з посилено надстійкою взаємодією



The paper provides an overview of the works of the author and his yang colleagues, in which the condition of strong superstability of interaction makes it possible to greatly simplify the proof of some important results of the mathematical description of infinite systems of interacting point particles and helps to introduce the so-called {\ it cell gas} model (see \cite {Re13}). This model allows to approximate continuous lattice systems and apply the appropriate mathematical technique.



How to Cite

Rebenko, O. (2022). Статистична механіка систем з посилено надстійкою взаємодією. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 17(2), 338–383. Retrieved from https://trim.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/trim/article/view/510