Memoirs of Wilhelm Fushchych


  • L. Barannyk
  • V. Boyko Інститут математики
  • L. Vasylyeva
  • V. Vladimirov
  • R. Zhdanov
  • V. Lahno
  • A. Nikitin
  • R. Popovych
  • O. Prylypko
  • V. Salogub
  • D. Stasyuk-Parke
  • I. Tsyfra
  • V. Fedorchuk
  • R. Cherniha



How to Cite

Barannyk, L., Boyko, V., Vasylyeva, L., Vladimirov, V., Zhdanov, R., Lahno, V., Nikitin, A., Popovych, R., Prylypko, O., Salogub, V., Stasyuk-Parke, D., Tsyfra, I., Fedorchuk, V., & Cherniha, R. (2006). Memoirs of Wilhelm Fushchych. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 3(2), 338–395. Retrieved from