Stabilisation and damping of perturbations in descriptor systems


  • A.G. Mazko Institute of Mathematics
  • T.O. Kotov


The existence criteria of static and dynamic regulators that provide the desired estimation of the weighted damping level of external and initial disturbances and the asymptotic stability of linear descriptor systems are established. The algorithms of constructing such regulators in the robust stabilization and H1-optimization problems of the controlled descriptor systems are proposed. The main computational procedures of algorithms reduce to solving the linear matrix inequalities with additional rank re- strictions. An illustrative example of a non-impulsive descriptor control system with bounded disturbances is given.

Author Biography

A.G. Mazko, Institute of Mathematics

The existence criteria of static and dynamic regulators that provide the desired estimation of the weighted damping level of external and initial disturbances and the asymptotic stability of linear descriptor systems are established. The algorithms of constructing such regulators in the robust stabilization and H1-optimization problems of the controlled descriptor systems are proposed. The main computational procedures of algorithms reduce to solving the linear matrix inequalities with additional rank re- strictions. An illustrative example of a non-impulsive descriptor control system with bounded disturbances is given.



How to Cite

Mazko, A. ., & Kotov, T. (2020). Stabilisation and damping of perturbations in descriptor systems. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 15(1), 65–87. Retrieved from