Correction of integration of the kinematic equations of rotational motion of a rigid body


  • O.P. Kolomiychuk Institute of Mathematics
  • K.I. Naumenko


The problem of determining the orientation of a solid body in the determi- nation of Some estimates of the values of the Rodriguez-Hamilton parameter vector in The given moment of time and measurements at this moment of projection on tiscooping the coordinate system of a vector whose orien- tation is known to be dual coordinate system. Obtain accurate solutions to the problem of estimation the orientation that provides the minimum of a given functionality of quality.



How to Cite

Kolomiychuk, O., & Naumenko, K. (2020). Correction of integration of the kinematic equations of rotational motion of a rigid body. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 15(1), 27–32. Retrieved from