Implementing the Ritz method for computing the elastic axisymmetric shell partily filed with a liquid


  • Ю. В. Троценко


An algorithm for calculating the eigen frequencies and modes of arbitrary
shells of revolution which are partially filled with an ideal fluid is pro-
posed. The solution method of this hydroelastic problem is based on the
domain decomposition method applied to the shell equations that is com-
bined with the variational method constructing an inverse operator for the
hydrodynamic part of the problem. A comparison of the obtained numer-
ical results with existing exact solutions of the problem for the shell of the
circular cylindrical shape is given.



How to Cite

Троценко, Ю. В. (2015). Implementing the Ritz method for computing the elastic axisymmetric shell partily filed with a liquid. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 12(5), 203–234. Retrieved from