Lie-Backlund symmetry reduction of nonlinear and non-evolution equations


  • I. Tsyfra AGH University of Science and Technology; Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine
  • W. Rzeszut AGH University of Science and Technology


The application of Lie-Backlund symmetry operators admitted by ordinary differential equations for reducing partial differential equations are studied. The ansatze for dependent variable are constructed by integrating ordinary differential equations. We show that the method is applicable for nonlinear evolution and non-evolution types equations. In the framework of the approach we construct the solution depending on arbitrary smooth function on one variable




How to Cite

Tsyfra, I., & Rzeszut, W. (2019). Lie-Backlund symmetry reduction of nonlinear and non-evolution equations. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 16(1), 174–180. Retrieved from