Spatial motion of an elastic reservoir fully filled with an inviscid incompressible liquid


  • I. A. Lukovsky Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine


Within the framework of hypothesises of the dynamics of relative motions of mechanical systems, the paper considers a generalised N. Joukowskii’ problem [1] stated here for reservoirs with deformable walls. A finite set of generalised coordinates is introduced, by using which necessary kinematic and dynamic parameters of the reservoirs-liquid mechanical system are defined. Derivations of the governing equations and the solving of basic boundary value problems with respect of the velocity potential are done by employing variational principles of the continuum mechanics.



How to Cite

Lukovsky, I. A. (2017). Spatial motion of an elastic reservoir fully filled with an inviscid incompressible liquid. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 14(2), 71–87. Retrieved from