Прямая и обратная задачи рассеяния для гиперболической системы шести уравнений первого порядка на полуоси


  • N. Sh. Iskenderov Baku state university
  • L. N. Jafarova Baku state university


We investigate the direct and inverse scattering problems for a hyperbolic system of six equations of first order on a semi-axis when there are four incident and two scattering waves. We prove the theorem about existence and uniqueness of solution of the inverse scattering problem under joint consideration of four problems with different boundary conditions.



How to Cite

Iskenderov, N. S., & Jafarova, L. N. (2017). Прямая и обратная задачи рассеяния для гиперболической системы шести уравнений первого порядка на полуоси. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 14(3), 128–160. Retrieved from https://trim.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/trim/article/view/316