Rational homotopy type of free and pointed mapping spaces between spheres


  • U. Buijs Institut de Mathématique Pure et Appliquée chemin du cyclotron
  • A. Murillo Departamento de Álgebra, Geometrı́a y Topologı́a Universidad de Málaga


Denote by $map(X, Y )$ (respec. $map ^{\ast}(X, Y )$) the space of free (respec. pointed) maps from $X$ to $Y$ . Whenever $X$ is a finite $CW$-complex and $Y$ is a nilpotent $CW$-complex of finite type over $Q$, then any path component of both map $(X, Y )$ and $map ^{\ast} (X, Y ) $ are nilpotent $CW$-complexes of finite type over $Q$ and in particular, it can be rationalized in the classical sense. From the Sullivan approach to rational homotopy theory , and based in the fundamental work of Haefliger, there is a standard procedure to obtain Sullivan models of the path components $map _{f}(X, Y )$ and $map ^{\ast}_{f} (X, Y ) $ of $map(X, Y ) $ and $map ^{\ast}(X, Y ) $ respectively, containing the map $f : X → Y $. In this note, we show the advantage of this procedure and use it repeatedly to explicitly describe the rational homotopy type of free and pointed mapping spaces between sphere.




How to Cite

Buijs, U., & Murillo, A. (2013). Rational homotopy type of free and pointed mapping spaces between spheres. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 10(6), 130–139. Retrieved from https://trim.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/trim/article/view/312