Majorants in Hardy-Littlewood type theorem for higher order derivatives of analytic functions


  • O. M. Piddubnyĭ Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • V. V. Savchuk Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine


We study the classes $\mathop{\rm Lip}_\lambda(\mathbb D)$, $\mathscr L_\lambda^k$ and $\mathscr B_\lambda^k,$ $k\in\mathbb N,$ consisting of analytic functions $f$ for which respectively $|f(z_1)-f(z_2)|=O(|z_1-z_2|)$, $|f^{(k)} z)|=O(|\lambda^{(k)}(1-|z|)|)$ and $|f^{(k)}(z)|=O(\lambda(1-|z|)/(1-|z|)^k)$, $z\in\mathbb D$. We investigate a question of embedding such classes and give conditions for equalities $\mathop{\rm Lip}_\lambda(\mathbb D)=\mathscr L_\lambda^k=\mathscr B_\lambda^k$



How to Cite

Piddubnyĭ, O. M., & Savchuk, V. V. (2013). Majorants in Hardy-Littlewood type theorem for higher order derivatives of analytic functions. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 10(1), 184–198. Retrieved from