Topology of Morse flows with fixed points on the boundary of complete handlebody


  • O. O. Prishlyak
  • D. M. Skochko


We studied topological properties of polar Morse flows on 3-dimensional handlebody, all fixed points of which lie on the boundary and have no separatrices connecting the saddle. We built an analog of Heegaard decomposition and $m$-diagram, which is complete topological invariant of flow. Equivalence of m-diagrams and flow we check using the distinguishing graphs. We found all possible distinguishing graphs with no more than 5 vertex.



How to Cite

Prishlyak, O. O., & Skochko, D. M. (2015). Topology of Morse flows with fixed points on the boundary of complete handlebody. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 12(6), 164–182. Retrieved from