Degree of comonotone approximation of periodic functions


  • G. A. Dzyubenko International Mathematical Center. J.O Mitropolsky


If a continuously differentiable on a real axe $\Bbb R\ \ 2\pi - $periodic function $f$ changes its monotonicity at different fixed points $y_i\in [-\pi,\pi),\ i=1,...,2s,\ s\in\Bbb N ,$ (i.e., on $\Bbb R$ there is a set $Y:=\{y_i\}_{i\in\Bbb Z}$ of points $y_i=y_{i+2s}+2\pi $ such that on $[y_i,y_{i-1}]\ f$ is nondecreasing if $i$ is odd, and nonincreasing if $i$ is even), then for each natural number $n,\ n\ge N(Y)=const,$ in the article a trigonometric polynomial $T_n $ of order $\le n,$ which changes its monotonicity at the same points $y_i\in Y,$ like $f,$ is found such that $$\left\Vert f-T_n \right \Vert \le \frac{c(s)}{n}\, \omega_3\left(f',1/n\right),$$ where $N(Y)$ depends only on $Y,$ $c(s)-$ constant which is depending only on $s,\ \omega_3 \left(f,\cdot\right)-$ modulus of smoothness of order $3$ of the function $f$ and $\Vert \cdot \Vert -\max $-norm. Also the other estimates that are possible in this kind of approximation are listed.



How to Cite

Dzyubenko, G. A. (2013). Degree of comonotone approximation of periodic functions. Transactions of Institute of Mathematics, the NAS of Ukraine, 10(1), 110–125. Retrieved from